Why was our forefather Avraham chosen over everyone else?
What we can do to fight the war
Friends can make you or break you
If Hashem brings it it’s for your benefit
Where are YOU headed in life?
Keep on doing Hashem’s will even if it veers off track
Beware of associating with the wicked
The kiruv campaign of Avraham Avinu: They’re wasting their lives!
Use every second to serve Hashem by doing everything לשם שמים
The Avos were in control of their minds and bodies
With a brother there is no machlokes
The truth about a person can be seen from who his friends are
Lot fell into the yetzer hara of עשירות
Just do it and Hashem will hold your hand
Is ruchniyus something you can’t get enough of?
Why did Avraham side with the 5 kings?
To fargin someone
Keep away from those who belittle others
Give up of your own ruchniyus to help others
The nisayon of lech lecha-do it because Hashem wants and not for your own benefit
Avraham shows us how to handle hard times
Every Yid is like Noach’s teivah
Noach controlled his ark, we must control our ark – ourselves!
The joy of זמן שמחתינו
If the shofar penetrates our hearts it will penetrate the Heavens!
Even when things are difficult, remember it will be good in the end
The uniqueness of Jewish leaders
Thank Hashem for giving us a purpose in life
Is there ever a time to stop praying?
Nugget 21 after Shacharis
Think about schar and you will combat the yetzer hara
Nugget 20 after Shacharis
Nugget 19 after Shacharis
Nugget 18 after Shacharis
Nugget 17 after Shacharis
Think about the theme – not just the mitzvah
Nugget 14 Simchas Hachaim
Nugget 13 after Shacharis
Nugget 12 after Shacharis
Nugget 11 after Shacharis
Our gedolim suffer for our sake – appreciate it
Nugget 8 after Shacharis
Nugget 7 after Shacharis
Nugget 6 after Shacharis
Nugget 5 after Shacharis
Nugget 4 after Shacharis
Nugget 2 after Shacharis