Listen to the chachamim and you’ll be rewarded
Is Hashem part of our lives?
Connecting chazak to Purim – we need our leaders
If you make it holy it will be permanent, if you don’t it will be […]
Moshe had no “zich” whatsoever
Beracha came to the mishkan because it was pure from gezel
Do a mitzvah according to the level you are on now and not the same […]
We’re not doing anything – it’s all from Hashem
Hashem told us to build Him a house but not on Shabbos. Why not?
Wipe out Amalek through strengthening your connection to Hashem
The precious stones worn by the Kohen Gadol had an unbelievable effect on Klal Yisroel
Listen to Hashem with trust and He will come to you
When you’re sitting at your Shabbos table you can feel like you’re in the Bais […]
Of course we have to pay for doing damage, but it’s much more than you […]
The Jewish concept of emunah
Always learn Torah that excites you and from the right source
The greater you are the more responsible you are
The many opportunities to rejuvenate
What is the secret of the Korban Pesach that got us out of Mitzrayim?
Don’t avoid the problem, fix it at its source
Baruch Hashem they were set free, but are we all really free? video
Even small acts of helping others are great
How do we handle living in galus, away from our homeland?
If a mitzvah comes your way don’t hesitate, grab it
Get rid of the source, get rid of the effect, and then Hashem will shower […]
Can we experience miracles in this difficult time like the Jews did during the days […]
We must appreciate the Avos for planting greatness and holiness in our genes
To win the war against the yetzer hara we must learn from the strategies Yaakov […]
Live in the proximity of tzaddikim
Are we predestined to be good or evil? So it seems from Yaakov and Eisav!
The greatness of Rivkah – unexpected chesed
A righteous person elevates everything he owns
Do a chesed every day
Let’s tune in to more great things about Avraham Avinu