How do we handle living in galus, away from our homeland?
We’re not where we belong!
What did Hashem see in Moshe to make him the greatest leader of all time?
Live together with Jews and connect to gedolim
For great people the insignificant is significant
Keep your mouth pure so it can be effective
Even the Mitzriyim knew that beracha comes from Klal Yisroel and tzadikim
The greatness of Shifra and Puah and the greatness of a Jewish mother
A רועה צאן is constantly aware that Hashem is watching over us
We never settle in galus
You’re dead! If you don’t feel the pain of our estranged brethren
Stay focused on your tachlis in life and you will keep away distractions
Bring a sefer with you wherever you go-it will keep you focused and shielded from […]
Are you like Pharaoh? If you are not makir tov you may just be
We must never forget that being in galus is terrible
The attributes that made Moshe the worthy savior of Klal Yisrael
The exalted job of a Jewish mother
Never settle into galus
Be משתתף with the tza’ar of the tzibbur and you will join in their salvation
Always recognize those who gave you life-Hashem and your parents
If a mitzvah comes your way don’t hesitate, grab it
Get rid of the source, get rid of the effect, and then Hashem will shower […]
Can we experience miracles in this difficult time like the Jews did during the days […]
We must appreciate the Avos for planting greatness and holiness in our genes
To win the war against the yetzer hara we must learn from the strategies Yaakov […]
Live in the proximity of tzaddikim
Are we predestined to be good or evil? So it seems from Yaakov and Eisav!
The greatness of Rivkah – unexpected chesed
A righteous person elevates everything he owns
Do a chesed every day
Let’s tune in to more great things about Avraham Avinu
Cherish everything you have – it’s from Hashem
Why was our forefather Avraham chosen over everyone else?
Every Yid is like Noach’s teivah
Noach controlled his ark, we must control our ark – ourselves!
The joy of זמן שמחתינו
If the shofar penetrates our hearts it will penetrate the Heavens!
Even when things are difficult, remember it will be good in the end
The uniqueness of Jewish leaders
Thank Hashem for giving us a purpose in life
Is there ever a time to stop praying?
Nugget 21 after Shacharis
Think about schar and you will combat the yetzer hara
Nugget 20 after Shacharis
Nugget 19 after Shacharis
Nugget 18 after Shacharis