Every Jew is holy so treat him with respect
Conflict – avoid it all cost!
Keep away from קביעות of ביטול תורה
How you would like to be a navi? Part II
The menorah represents Torah bringing blessing to the world
How would you like to be a navi?
Use your talents to contribute to everything you are part of
Hashem gave the Torah to all of us
How to feel like the Torah is כחדשים
What does Hashem want from us on Shavuos?
Be a real eved Hashem
The many benefits of עמילות בתורה
Parshas Emor תשפא
Think about our special ייחוס – the אבות and אמהות
Keep up your connection to Hashem through Behab
Even the worst people can have a negative influence on you
Believe it or not, clinging to Hashem is the biggest enjoyment!
Why is tzora’as white? Because it’s good for a person!
Do you think one word is no big deal? You’d be surprised!
Learning Torah sanctifies the mouth
Learn from Nadav and Avihu to always strive for greatness, but in the proper way
Why we keep kosher
Keep calm in the face of adversity
Blame yourself and the Shechinah will reside in your midst
Give it your all and Hashem will help
Matzah reminds us to do teshuvah
The simchah of coming close to Hashem through learning Torah
Terumas Hadeshen puts the kohen in his place
Think about and appreciate that Hashem chose us
The difference between chametz and matzah – every bit counts