על חטא שחטנו לפניך ביצר הרע
Hashem is our Father so how can we go against His word?
Feel the צער of Hashem during these times
When you hear the shofar accept upon yourself mesiras nefesh
Be kind to others and Hashem will be kind to you
Ask the Rabbi
If we want the shofar to pierce the Heavens first it must pierce our hearts
עצרת תפילה לזכות רפו”ש לרפאל שמעון יהודה ליב בן פערל חיה
Hashem’s bris with us not to ever forsake us
Everything we have is an award from Hashem
Don’t allow the bad middos of Amon and Moav into Klal Yisrael
Judge yourself daily and you can look forward to Elul
A great זכות ליום הדין – helping others
Live within your means
Those who are close to Hashem stay with him the whole year
Learn from the מסית the zechus of helping others
Learn the gemara over and over again and your brain will enjoy it
Theres no such thing as small things – just look at the microscopic coronavirus
Hashem gave us His Torah because He loves us
Don’t ignore the “small” mitzvos – we get reward for all of them
Bittul Torah in order to do mitzvos is beneficial for Torah learning
The reasons to have simcha on Tu B’av
With יגיעה and perseverance you will get סייעתא דשמיא to master any limud
Only Torah can protect us from the yetzer hara
No challenge is insurmountable
Believing in miracles
Chazer well and you will learn something new
With a rebbi like Moshe Rabbeinu ‘יראת ה is not so scary
Why didn’t Moshe eat and drink for forty days?
If we would realize how much we’re missing we would truly mourn on Tisha B’av