Yisro’s happiness was a reflection of his refined character
Rochel was the mother of all of Klal Yisroel
When davening בזכות אבות we must try to emulate them
אנכי ה’ אלקיך – An in-depth look into the mitzah of emunah
Always remember that we are in galus and you will be closer to Hashem
3 things to learn from Yisro about being zoche to Torah
Be a נותן and you will come closer to Hashem
Yisro’s שכל overcame his הרגשים
Feel the hiskarvus to Hashem when standing at the Kosel
The mind of a talmid chacham is sharpened by the Torah
The greatest pleasure comes from listening to Hashem’s command
With the proper bitachon Hashem will provide for you
The secret to making Torah sweet-hard work
Thank Hashem for frum parents
קבלת עול מלכות שמים שבקריעת ים סוף
Be in charge of your גוף and don’t let your גוף be in charge of […]
A story about the bitachon of a simple farmer
Don’t go overboard on the hishtadlus
Trust in Hashem and you can make molehills out of mountains
Serve Hashem the way He wants at that moment
Hishtadlus is just a charade-Hashem is really saving you
Do the mitzvah that is less enjoyable
Hold on to moments of closeness to Hashem
Make doing an aveira difficult for yourself
Even goyim realize that the presence of a talmid chacham brings beracha
When the Bnei Yisrael left Mitzrayim their גוף and שכל became holier
Look at the moon and think about growing more and more-above the טבע
Before doing something significant run it by others
If you want to do a mitzvah and you do as much as you can […]
Live up to the names of our ancestors