The exalted job of a Jewish mother
Never settle into galus
Be משתתף with the tza’ar of the tzibbur and you will join in their salvation
Always recognize those who gave you life-Hashem and your parents
Listen to the gedolim without question
The right type of zerizus-think before doing a mitzvah
Stay in beis medrash a little longer-you’re in Eretz Yisrael
When you feel strong love of your children realize that Hashem’s love for his children […]
Get a chiyus and a geshmak in your learning
Using looks and talents in the right way
Are you a donkey? It’s not such a bad thing
חזק חזק ונתחזק-give chizuk to the mashpia and he will give chizuk to you
Yaakov and Yosef were longing to return to Eretz Yisrael and so must we
Don’t lose focus of our true home-Eretz Yisrael
Use moments of rest for learning Torah
Follow in the ways of the Avos and their names will be remembered in you
The terrible midah of kinah – it’s just not worth it
We must always be mindful that we do not belong in galus
Be above the goyim around us
Learn and daven without היסח הדעת and you will maximize the shefa beracha you bring […]
The name Yisroel reminds us to conquer the yetzer hara
Why did Yaakov say shema when he met Yosef?
Don’t get distracted from your learning
Even a king must be מכניע himself, certainly you!
Prepare yourself and you won’t have to waste even one moment of Torah
Be careful with your environment
Keep away from all types of gezel
The shevatim were מבטל themselves to Yosef to create achdus and bring out the שלימות […]
Give some words of chizuk after giving bad news
Be mekabel mesiras nefesh on Chanuka and you can bring nissim to the world