Length: 37:23
Audio from: Yosef and the Shevatim

Yosef and the Shevatim

The shevatim were מבטל themselves to Yosef to create achdus and bring out the שלימות […]

Length: 31:34
Video from: Chanukah תשפ

Chanukah תשפ

Be mekabel mesiras nefesh on Chanuka and you can bring nissim to the world

Length: 34:43
Video from: Chanukah תשעט

Chanukah תשעט

Be moser nefesh for Torah and avoda in a matzav of affluence

Length: 36:11
Video from: Chanukah תשעח

Chanukah תשעח

Accept upon yourself mesiras nefesh of some sort at hadlakas neiros and you will bring […]

Length: 21:47
Audio from: Chanukah


The חנוכת הנשיאים prepared the Mishkan for the light of the menorah

Length: 4:53
Audio from: Chanukah תשעד

Chanukah תשעד

Become a better person so that you can bring the אור of Chanuka into your […]

Length: 6:20
Audio from: Chanukah תשע

Chanukah תשע

Walk away from Chanuka with increased awareness of the yad Hashem in teva