Be moser nefesh for Torah and avoda in a matzav of affluence
Accept upon yourself mesiras nefesh of some sort at hadlakas neiros and you will bring […]
Give credit where credit is due
You can make a kiddush Hashem by acting in ways that people will emulate
The חנוכת הנשיאים prepared the Mishkan for the light of the menorah
It’s not me, it’s Hashem
Use your נשמה to rise above your גוף
Become a better person so that you can bring the אור of Chanuka into your […]
Let’s remove the American culture from within us
Everything you have and do attribute to Hashem
Yosef saw everything as the ratzon Hashem-whether it was for his benefit or not
The ישועה is in the צרה
Shteig and shteig – even Yaakov Avinu never stopped!
Invite even the unpleasant people
Hold onto every drop of mesorah
Take your Mesilas Yesharim along with you on your vacation
Use your kochos to their maximum-even if you’re already doing more than everyone else
Parents and grandparents must always continue to be mechanech their children
The job of every Torah Jew is to spread Shem Shamayim wherever he is
Look for ways to do כיבוד אב ואם but be very careful with it
Those who serve Hashem are the only ones who count
Walk away from Chanuka with increased awareness of the yad Hashem in teva
Did you open the door for Hashem this Chanuka?
Emulate Hashem and be mekarev the downtrodden
Think of how you started life with nothing and you will always be happy
Only a malach is not influenced by Esav
Feel like a ger and you will not be influenced by your surroundings
Never give up on anyone
Think about the גיד הנשה and what it represents