Don’t spit at me, I do kiruv!
Hashova Aveidah in our times – kiruv rechokim
Keep on trying to be mekarev them
Don’t allow your ta’avos to lead you astray
The great responsibility of representing Hashem
Help others utilize their talents
Warm up those around you and don’t cool them off
The importance of hearing mussar
Yissurim are there to make you better so don’t try to get around them
The importance of even one perutah
Siyata dishmaya in learning and psak comes with yiras shamayim and middos tovos
Shema Yisroel-every small action has a tremendous effect
The importance of giving over everything in the proper way
All ta’avos are nothing just like Avoda Zara
The Zaken Mamre and the power of ga’avah
The purpose of life-to be productive
Taking what’s not rightfully yours is against the entire תכלית הבריאה
Be fully devoted in your job as a mashpia
Taking advantage of the ימי רצון of Elul-come closer to Hashem by improving your Torah […]
Be מבטל yourself to Hashem and you will come close to Him
בל תשחית-Don’t waste your talents and skills
Lesson from the Zaken Mamrei-do not undermine authority
Eat with Hashem in front of you
Navi Sheker in our times-beware of scientific “proofs” that contradict the Torah
Make memorable landmarks in you life-like הר גרזים והר עיבל
Lessons to be learned from the simanim of the kosher fish
The great unifier-the Beis Hamikdash even today
If your externals are nice your Avodas Hashem will be nice
It’s up to us to make Shemini Atzeres into a Yom Tov
Ma’aser Sheni in our times-forging a lasting connection with talmidei chachamim