Bad middos affect what one hears
Wake up like a lion – the badge of Klal Yisroel
Avraham’s ahava was stronger than Bilam’s sinah
Be in control of your middos
Look at our forefathers and be inspired
Putting oneself into the reshus of Hashem is greatness
A person must produce as long as he is alive
We owe our very existence to the tzadikei hador
A strong leader and a soft leader complement each other and bring out the best […]
Hashem’s blessings are in the open, are we taking it to heart?
Daven for the tzadikim-we need them desperately in more ways than one
Har on top of har-the two avodos of Aharon Hakohen
Every individual can have a tremendous effect
Keep away from places of reshaim
Para Aduma in our times-ameilus baTorah
Even the simple things in the Torah have deeper meaning
The tzadikim hold up the world even if we don’t notice
One must sacrifice his gashmiyus and be mesaken his middos to be zoche to Torah
A leader must know when to be soft and when to be strong
All Yidden are completely kadosh
Machlokes removes the ground from under your feet
Avoid machlokes and make shalom in your relationships then Hashem will come close
The good lesson to learn from Korach-every Jew is holy
Maybe you didn’t get what you wanted because of your jealousy
The fallacy of jealousy
Love mussar-it’s the greatest present
When there’s machlokes the Shechina stays away
Middos tovos lift a person to higher madreigos
Watch out for negius in the decisions you make
Praise those who constantly strive for ruchniyus