Tomorrow is not good enough for me
Keep on davening
Forget your kpeidos and be miskarev to Hashem (Yiddish)
Truly feeling the tza’ar of a fellow Yid
Creating a hergesh of shomrim laboker
Dressing up on Purim reflects the hanhaga of Hashem
Concentrate on the tza’ar and simcha during the megilah and you will feel excited
Mordechai saved the Jews from the full brunt of Hashem’s wrath
Hashem remembers us and we must remember Him
Learn from Amalek to never give up
Warm up others, don’t cool them off
It’s not too hard
A Yid really wants to do good
Love your talmidim
Yearning for the Bais Hamikdash and karbonos
Staying away from gezel is the key to hiskarvus
Take time to put everything into its place while learning
Distance yourself from gezel
Dishonesty in business brings on Amalek
Yosef was getting ready to meet the King of kings
3 aspects of צפית לישועה
Complete hisbatlus to Hashem like and eved
The three main components of Kabbalas Hatorah