Length: 8:16
Audio from: Parshas Tzav

Parshas Tzav

קרבנות המילואים – to advance in madreigos

Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Chashivus of one night – the whole tzara of Haman came from one night

Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Purim in the zechus of the anavah of Moshe – חיזוק בענין השתחויה ונפילת אפים

Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Forget your kpeidos and be miskarev to Hashem (Yiddish)

Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Truly feeling the tza’ar of a fellow Yid