Length: 5:10
Video from: Parshas Re’eh

Parshas Re’eh

Those who are close to Hashem stay with him the whole year

Length: 3:47
Audio from: Parshas Re’eh

Parshas Re’eh

Learn from the מסית the zechus of helping others

Length: 5:03
Video from: Parshas Eikev

Parshas Eikev

Hashem gave us His Torah because He loves us

Length: 3:59
Video from: Torah and mitzvos

Torah and mitzvos

Bittul Torah in order to do mitzvos is beneficial for Torah learning

Length: 7:32
Video from: Tu B’av

Tu B’av

The reasons to have simcha on Tu B’av

Length: 2:27
Video from: Parshas Eikev

Parshas Eikev

With יגיעה and perseverance you will get סייעתא דשמיא to master any limud

Length: 2:39
Video from: Parshas Eikev

Parshas Eikev

Only Torah can protect us from the yetzer hara

Length: 2:16
Audio from: Parshas Eikev

Parshas Eikev

Chazer well and you will learn something new

Length: 5:20
Audio from: Parshas Eikev

Parshas Eikev

With a rebbi like Moshe Rabbeinu ‘יראת ה is not so scary

Length: 3:46
Audio from: Parshas Eikev

Parshas Eikev

Why didn’t Moshe eat and drink for forty days?