The simchah of coming close to Hashem through learning Torah
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsTerumas Hadeshen puts the kohen in his place
Think about and appreciate that Hashem chose us
The difference between chametz and matzah – every bit counts
Make your talmid comfortable before you start teaching
The true meaning behind karbanos
Be in control of your gashmiyus and you will get a crown on your head
Limud Hatorah makes the world holier than when doing mitzvos
The connection between Purim and the parsha
Connect to each other and we will connect to Hashem
Celebrating Purim in challenging times
Learning about the mishkan will bring Hashem down to this world
Working for the sake of Shamayim is great
Kiruv is Limud Hatorah
Mitzvos – DIY and don’t delay!
Lessons from the mon – it’s not me or my brains but Hashem
Discipline with sincerity and they will respect you
Let’s turn the darkness of the world to light
Eretz Yisroel is part of being a Yid
Keep your mouth pure so it can be effective
Watch the hesped of boy tragically killed in an accident
You CAN get out of bed – you have the כח of a lion!
Yenem didn’t hurt you – Hashem did
Why would we fast on Shabbos?
This Chanuka accept to do something extra for Hashem
Bring Elokim and ehrlichkeit with you wherever you go
Appreciating the great נס of the defeat of the יונים
Hashem will be recognized through the natural and supernatural
Let’s overcome the כוחות הרע just like Yosef