Yosef was spreading the Name of Hashem while Yaakov was mourning
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsWhy did Yosef have to tell his brothers about the dreams?
You’re never פטור from chinuch!
You have exactly what you need
Accomplishing our goals on this world
You’re sleeping on a pot of gold – don’t waste it!
Watch Rav Chaim Mintz explain the מדת הנקיות
Give of yourself for the sake of others
Hashem wants us to constantly work on midos, not like Eisav
Yaakov works on his midos while Eisav does not
Where did he get that mesiras nefesh from? Rivkah!
Do chesed and then you can Hashem ask for one
By causing Avraham to have trouble burying Sarah the Satan was trying to eliminate the […]
The Jewish perspective on burial – preparing for the Afterlife
Never let a day go by without doing chesed
How do I know if I really love Hashem?
The kiruv campaign of Avraham Avinu: They’re wasting their lives!
Use every second to serve Hashem by doing everything לשם שמים
Give everything you have to serve Hashem and you will be considered great
Take the hisorerus of Tishrei throughout the year
Hashem is looking forward to our avodah in Cheshvan
The yetzer hara’s job is to get us to shteig
Learn to get along
We’re not leaving the presence of Hashem!
Breaking down the barriers between us and the Torah
Reb Chaim Brisker’s power of neginah
Understanding Torah is an avodah and requires a lot of סייעתא דשמיא
The פרי החג took away the bad from the goyim
והראנו בבנינו ושמחנו בתקונו
Hoshanos – the joy of coming closer to Hashem