שלך גדולה משלהם – Torah lifts up the entire world
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsBeware of the yetzer hara with the long beard and don’t be more pious than […]
Our little decisions make a big impact
A talmid chacham gives the best advice
The progression from the קרבן עומר to the שתי הלחם – do mundane activities on […]
Every member of every household makes a difference
When the Yidden were counted a new light of Torah was spread
Have בטחון and you will be more successful in your learning
Keeping shmitta in our hearts and minds
The Menorah and the Shulchan go hand-in-hand
One who curses is a murderer!
It’s halfway to next Yom Kippur – think about it now!
Different types of tzara’as for different types of lashon hara
Aharon Hakohen was strong when needed
Look for new ways to serve Hashem
The four main yesodos of the Seder
The consistency of the Korban Tamid – start and end your day right
A message about the difficult matzav we find ourselves in
ארבע כוסות-Bringing shefa beracha of geulah to Klal Yisroel and punishment to the goyim
Pesach and milah are doche Shabbos
Karbanos – be mevatel your כוחי ועוצם ידי
Why is bein hazemanim at this time of year?
The Mishkan was made from the shleimus of every Yid and the shleimus of all […]
The message Hashem is sending us with this pandemic-achdus
Try not to let the current situation distract you from your davening and learning
Should I pack up my family and move to the Poconos until the danger passes?
What is the proper hishtadlus to take at this time of the coronavirus?
Beracha came to the mishkan because it was pure from gezel
Jump at the opportunity to do a mitzva and others will follow