Make boundaries for your gashmiyus and you will be crowned
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsGuarding the kedusha of a shul and bais medrash
The Torah carries those who support it
Serve Hashem like the עבד כנעני and not just like an עבד עברי
Learn a lot of Torah and have a lot of achdus and you will achieve […]
Everyone’s doing it! So what, you have to do what’s right
Remember what’s written and delve deeper every time
Are your hands clean from all types of gezel?
Remember we don’t belong here
Do a mitzvah with with your whole soul
Respect the בעלות of others and you will respect the בעלות of Hashem
Speak up against those who are doing wrong and you will bring emes into the […]
The proper way to be an עבד of Hashem
Feel the pain and joy of others and you will be emulating Hashem
Be happy over a chiddush in an old sugya
Why was the מזבח made from earth?
Learn Mesillas Yesahrim until the end even if you’re not holding on the level
Come closer to Hashem by focusing on small things
Yisro’s happiness was a reflection of his refined character
Rochel was the mother of all of Klal Yisroel
When davening בזכות אבות we must try to emulate them
אנכי ה’ אלקיך – An in-depth look into the mitzah of emunah
Always remember that we are in galus and you will be closer to Hashem
3 things to learn from Yisro about being zoche to Torah
Be a נותן and you will come closer to Hashem
Yisro’s שכל overcame his הרגשים
Feel the hiskarvus to Hashem when standing at the Kosel
The mind of a talmid chacham is sharpened by the Torah
The greatest pleasure comes from listening to Hashem’s command
With the proper bitachon Hashem will provide for you