Follow the seven middos of Hashem and Torah will enter you
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsUse your unique kochos to the fullest and Klal Yisroel can come to its shleimus
If your middos are pure your Torah can be complete
The three basics of השראת השכינה
Be the chariot of Hashem by making yourself into a source of kedusha
Think like a kohen when you get dressed
מחצית השקל down here-only half the story
Let’s be like the Kohen Gadol and have our hearts constantly on the needs of […]
The Torah takes care of rebbeim and bnei Torah
The badim teach us that we don’t have to understand everything in the Torah
Explain the chashivus and they’ll do it with all their heart
Hashem is with the lomdei Torah
Look at your chavrusa and Hashem will look at you
Take the Torah with you wherever you go
Hashem and Klal Yisroel are like chassan and kallah
Only free will in the Mishkan
Make boundaries for your gashmiyus and you will be crowned
Guarding the kedusha of a shul and bais medrash
The Torah carries those who support it
Serve Hashem like the עבד כנעני and not just like an עבד עברי
Learn a lot of Torah and have a lot of achdus and you will achieve […]
Everyone’s doing it! So what, you have to do what’s right
Remember what’s written and delve deeper every time
Are your hands clean from all types of gezel?
Remember we don’t belong here
Do a mitzvah with with your whole soul
Respect the בעלות of others and you will respect the בעלות of Hashem
Speak up against those who are doing wrong and you will bring emes into the […]
The proper way to be an עבד of Hashem
Feel the pain and joy of others and you will be emulating Hashem