Only a malach is not influenced by Esav
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsFeel like a ger and you will not be influenced by your surroundings
Never give up on anyone
Think about the גיד הנשה and what it represents
Don’t allow Eisav’s men into your home
Fight against the Yetzer Hara and don’t let up
Even in midst of hardship thank Hashem for the good you have
Accept a person’s favors and you will be doing them a chessed
The entire world is at the tzaddik’s disposal
Have a positive influence on the place you are in
The correct approach to tefillah – דביקות and הכנעה and not בקשות
Tefillah – the two different aspects of Hashem
Wake up and shteig from every situation
Appreciate the great ones among us-they bring the Shechina closer
Think about your namesake and emulate his greatness
Trust in Hashem and you won’t panic under pressure
Torah as our guide through hard times
Think twice before you throw out that pillow!
Don’t be an אפיקורס! Recognize the chashivus of yeshivos and Lomdei Torah
The lesson from Yaakov Avinu-honesty and ehrlichkeit in business and all money matters
Be inspired at a bris to be עומד בנסיונות
Try your best and Hashem will give you kochos beyond your abilities
Show your love and your mussar will be successful
Combating the yetzer hara of money
Walk away from machlokes even when doing דברים שבקדושה
The best segula in the world-davening properly
Make sure to be a יושב אוהלים and not an איש שדה
Yitzchok Avinu was מתאבל on the Churban Beis Hamikdash so we certainly must
Keep far away from those who mock others
We have an uphill battle against the powers of evil, but we will be victorious