The name Yerushalayim is a composition of בהר ה’ יראה and שלם
Showing posts from Author: oorah
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How Bnei Yeshiva should apply chessed in their daily lives
Do others a chessed and have them join in the decision making
If you do against your טבע for Hashem He will do for you למעלה מדרך […]
How disappointed are you when you can’t do a mitzvah?
Follow the derech of Hashem and do for others even at the expense of your […]
The Avos were in control of their minds and bodies
With a brother there is no machlokes
The truth about a person can be seen from who his friends are
Lot fell into the yetzer hara of עשירות
Just do it and Hashem will hold your hand
Avraham was afraid of all the tzaros that were destined to befall his children so […]
Is ruchniyus something you can’t get enough of?
Why did Avraham side with the 5 kings?
To fargin someone
Keep away from those who belittle others
Give up of your own ruchniyus to help others
The nisayon of lech lecha-do it because Hashem wants and not for your own benefit
Avraham shows us how to handle hard times
Purifying the world’s pollution through the mabul
Ashur’s lesson-bad influences creep in even if you are against them
Noach the zookeeper-a tikkun for חמס
A mabul-out with the old world, in with the new
Figure out what Hashem wants from you even if He didn’t say so בפירוש
Every time and every season has its own flavor of avodas Hashem
Serve Hashem in your matzav and you will be producing
Shalom is a magnet for shefa bracha to the whole world
Start with a few people and after time there will be thousands
Be the best you can be and not just the best relatively