Cut down on unnecessary gashmiyus and the shechina will enter your home
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsThank Hashem for the greatness of the Torah
Shabbos following Yom Kippur-מחיל אל חיל
Gemara is for everyone-it brings life!
Bring people up in their ruchniyus and you will be making a kiddush Hashem
Bring mussar into the home and cut down on your gashmiyus
Are we machshiv Torah enough?
The great simcha of kappara
We should be recognizable as the children of Hashem
Make sure the hisorerus of the Yamim Noraim lasts
Letting the light shine out from the Kodesh Hakodoshim to be mashpia on the entire […]
Three requirements to learning Torah learned from Hakhel
Great people comfort those who are comforting them
Treat Shabbos properly this week and it will be a kappara for the whole year
The mitzvah of calming someone’s nerves
The 20 עיקרי תשובה of Rabbeinu Yonah
Do teshuva on the causes of your aveiros
Don’t be afraid to lead-Hashem will be with you
If we commit to improve we are entitled to have simcha on Yom Hadin
Din brings shleimus and makes a person worthy of Olam Haba
Develop a feeling of disgust for avoda zara
Heed the warning and have fear and love of Hashem
Every Yid must be included in the klal
The more Hashem demands from us the more we are connected
Doing basic teshuvah is not so hard
Teshuva turns the middas hadin of the teruah into chiba
The happiness of Hashem on Rosh Hashana-Klal Yisroel can be zoche to Olam Haba video
Teshuva is within reach
Hashem gives us tochacha because He loves us
Even small amounts of teshuva count