The great unifier-the Beis Hamikdash even today
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsIf your externals are nice your Avodas Hashem will be nice
It’s up to us to make Shemini Atzeres into a Yom Tov
Ma’aser Sheni in our times-forging a lasting connection with talmidei chachamim
When doing a mitzvah don’t worry about bad hashpa’os
The Torah’s lesson on chazara
Ways to combat the Yetzer Hara
We are the children of Hashem and must appear nice
Be mechazek in Limud Hatorah in light of recent tragedies
Hashem’s special love for those who are extra careful in kiyum hamitzvos
Cling to Limud Hatorah and you will be able to combat the Yetzer Hara
One can only truly acquire Torah if he limits his gashmiyus
How important every word of Torah is
Are you really such a tzaddik?
Completing the job of a mitzvah
Bentch with kavana and Hashem will bless you
Do mitzvos and Hashem will love you
Suggestions on how to be machshiv all mitzvos
The mitzvah to remember Hashem at all times
Make Yiddishkeit and Yiras Hashem not seem too daunting so that others will emulate you
Look at the gadlus of the metzaveh and you will adhere to all the mitzvos
The difference between jealousy in gashmiyus and ruchniyus
Hold on tight to the inspiration of the Three Weeks and Tisha B’av
To get out of galus we need to focus on what’s important and avoid being […]
In galus we are all serving the goyim
Don’t be too harsh on your children and talmidim
Love mitzvos and you can’t get enough of them
יגיעת התורה takes the place of yissurin
Never stop davening