Always strive for greatness
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsKeep your Yiddishkeit fresh and don’t let it get stale
The madreigah of matnas chinam-to get from Hashem like a child gets from parents
Learn from Moshe’s tefillos to long for Eretz Yisroel
The clarity of אתה הראת לדעת-The source of the י”ג עיקרים
The authenticity of Torah versus the fallacy of other religions-millions witnessed Matan Torah
Bringing people close to each other brings Hashem closer to us
Anything said against Hashem or His Torah is null and void
The tremendous responsibility of dayanim-representatives of Hashem
We must do לפנים משורת הדין
How to feel what we’re missing
When Hashem is far away the aveira is not as bad
The connection between Tisha B’av and gid hanashe
Hashem loves us greatly even when we sin
The art of giving mussar-be gentle and you will be successful
A leader must be one to look up to
If you have their interests in mind they will listen to your mussar
Look into the actions of your underlings and lead them on the right path
Think about when you felt strongly connected to Hashem and you will long for the […]
Hashem expects shleimus from every one of us
If Hashem cries over the churban it must be quite terrible
Have the proper respect for every Yid
Beware of the contradictory tactics of the Satan
Use every part of your body to its fullest
Put the neshama back into Shabbos
Before you move on think about how you grew
Be mevatel yourself to greatness and you will attain greatness
Be Oived Hashem with strategy
When Aharon was נפטר there was a decrease in shalom
What will others learn from your actions?