Travel away from your shortcomings and then grow higher
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsBe רואה את הנולד – it could happen to you
Follow in the footsteps of our ancestors
Without Torah a person is a “shtik hevel”
ירידה לצורך עלייה – Growth through failure
Don’t stop in middle of your avodas Hashem
Hakaras hatov to Hashem is a zechus for a person
Appreciate your parents and leaders
Make sure no one learns the wrong thing from your actions
Move constantly forward and never stagnate
The great kesher with Hashem created by shalom bayis
Listen to Chazal and our gedolim and you won’t look back
Outer appearances matter: A Ben Torah should look and dress respectfully
Get involved: Stand up for Hashem and daven for Klal Yisroel
A strong foundation is crucial
Did everyone reach their potential before moving on?
Getting the most out of your talmidim
If it’s your idea implement it
Say the right thing to the right person at the right time
Make sure each student realizes his potential
Get a feeling for true chavivus Eretz Yisroel
Uniting in times of need and tragedy
We must make up for all the Torah and mitzvos that are lost
A leader must have patience for everyone, and detect and develop their talents
Give of yourself for the sake of Klal Yisroel
Are you growing from the three weeks? Be mechazek in chashivus haTorah and ahavas chaverim
Get out of your comfort zone and make some changes
What do you consider choshuv?
Thanking Hashem for things we don’t even know about
Let’s get closer to Hashem