When there’s machlokes the Shechina stays away
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsMiddos tovos lift a person to higher madreigos
Watch out for negius in the decisions you make
Praise those who constantly strive for ruchniyus
Moshe’s uninhibited love for every Yid
Even after taking off challah it is still Hashem’s food
Our actions leave an everlasting legacy
When you learn Torah Hashem is there with you
Beware of bad company even if you are firm in your hashkafos
Even mundane acts should be done l’shem shomayim
When giving mussar make sure to give a way out
Nesachim are an antidote for the aveirah of the meraglim
The meraglim were punished middah k’neged middah
The Yetzer Hara makes a person flip-flop on what’s right and what’s wrong
A positive outlook will give you a positive impression
Learn from Calev the importance of keeping away from bad influences
Make sure to see the good in every situation
Only the light of the Torah can illuminate the darkness of This World
Aharon exemplified the seven middos of the menorah
A person has an achrayus to his family and possessions
The schar for waiting to do a mitzvah
Always have a rebbi and listen to him no matter what
Lessons from the Ananim – Hashem puts you in every situation
The מעלה of Aharon – bringing down the hashpaos from Above
Don’t be happy when you finish a mitzvah
Lesson from the Menorah-the entire Torah is one
To fargin another’s success
Desire to do more avodas Hashem than you can
Be careful with every mitzvah because small chesronos add up
Minimize your gashmiyus and beracha will come