Build on your inspiration like a nazir
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsThe connection between the nazir and Shavuos
Only the right people should be giving eitzos
Peace among the Leviyim brought the Shechinah
Emulating the ways of the Avos and Imahos
Nesanel Ben Tzuar-reward for Torah is for the work put into it
Partners with Hashem in creation by learning Torah and doing mitzvos
Keep away from bad influences and try to influence others in a positive way
Learn from the karbonos of the nesiim to be medakdek b’mitzvos
Be aware of how great you are but don’t be haughty
Advancing in the quality of our Torah and avodah as time goes on
Through יגיעה בתורה each Yid can bring out the uniqueness of his letter in the […]
לגולגלותם – Use our bodies to serve our brains
Use your kochos for the right things
A summary of נפש החיים שער ד
The נשיאים imparted good middos into the people
Utilizing the days of Sefira to their fullest
The effect of a person’s actions don’t disappear
To be a part of Klal Yisroel one must display mesiras nefesh
Make sure to live up to the shevua we made at Har Sinai
Hachana for Kabbalas Hatorah – the 48 kinyanim
Hashem’s love for every Jew
Lesson from Megillas Rus – Don’t run away from opportunities to do tzedaka and chessed
Ask your rebbi about your job in this world
Making new kabbolos on Shavuos
What’s in a name? Your tafkid in life
Ameilus means subjecting your body and mind to Hashem
Amal Hatorah is the only medicine
Serve Hashem with the tools that He gave you
The chok of learning Torah-getting sechar for the toil