Hashem also wears a costume – all year round
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsConnecting chazak to Purim – we need our leaders
If you make it holy it will be permanent, if you don’t it will be […]
Everyone has something to contribute to the שלימות of Klal Yisroel
Do the best you can and we will all be counted
Have good middos and Hashem will be with us
In Yerushalayim
Put your time and energy into the study of Torah
If you’re not careful you will have to pay
Even someone as bad as Amalek can repent
You want to become great? You need guts! Look at Yisro, Moshe’s father-in-law!
Don’t overlook the seemingly small things
There’s much to learn from the short encounter we had with our archenemy Amalek
Let’s learn from the אחדות of יציאת מצרים
You feel your prayers aren’t being answered? Maybe it’s because you’re not making things holy
Comparing the current matzav to what happened in Mitzrayim
Is it possible for the same person to be the greatest person and the most […]
We’re not where we belong!
What did Hashem see in Moshe to make him the greatest leader of all time?
Make yourself worthy of receiving Hashem’s blessings
Do you want to meet someone totally objective? Meet Yosef Hatzadik! Part II
Hashem’s love for you is boundless – reciprocate!
Do you want to meet someone totally objective? Meet Yosef Hatzadik!
Live in a place where there is abundant יראת שמים
Thank Hashem at every stage of life
Have you fulfilled your tafkid?
Let go of your grievances and be friends
All of Sarah’s years were equally good