Don’t pass up the opportunity – it’s not by chance
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsDo you want to be a great host whom Hashem will be proud of? Avraham […]
What we can do to fight the war
Friends can make you or break you
When you mention the name of a tzaddik think about his greatness
Me, steal? You’d be surprised!
Take a look at Creation and notice how everything is for the Torah and Klal […]
Hashem, we tried so hard over the Yomim Noraim to be good, what went wrong?
We should want to stay longer with Hashem
Don’t be afraid that Rosh Hashanah is on Shabbos
Include everyone in your tefillos
Jewish leaders are fully devoted to the Jewish nation
Give thanks for the entire story
You’re expected to be nice to everyone
Are you using your talents properly?
A person is not a machine – think about your actions daily
Intellectual success is also from Hashem
How do we find Hashem? By learning Torah!
Do teshuva before receiving a bracha
Grow from your summer vacation
Be emotionally outraged at an action done against Hashem
The foundations of the Jewish nation
Be together in a positive way
You’re angry at Uncle Joe? Guess what?! We all suffer!
Their names will live on in infamy
How much does Hashem love the Jewish people? Part II
The lesson of the חצוצרות: Be מקבל עול מלכות שמים every step of the way
How much does Hashem love the Jewish people?