Take a lesson from those who sin
Showing posts from Author: oorah
show all postsLet’s try to be holy like the Nazir
Know that you’re bringing blessing to the world and the Torah will feel new
Prepare for Shavuos by accepting Hashem as King
Daven for the people you are in charge of
Yesod – Thought goes a lot further than people think
Know that everything is from Hashem and He will be close
Hod – Don’t take anything for granted
Parshas Emor in our times – the power of one small word
Netzach – Conquer your enemies from within and Hashem will conquer your enemies from without
Having the right intentions when being מקדש שם שמים
Tiferes – we must serve Hashem with beautiful actions
Look at the trees and grass and feel humbled
Use your כח הדיבור properly
Recognize your kochos and utilize them
Why did Aharon reply with strong words?
Accepting the gzeiros of Hashem
The power of the קרבן עומר
Get rid of your bad middos together with the chometz
Why no תחנון?
The “fire” of the Torah must be our constant guide
Are you really a free man?
Unearth your talents – that’s what man is all about
You’ll be surprised what we can learn from korbanos
Whatever you do affects all of כלל ישראל
Simulating the מחצית השקל in our times
Only with the Ketores can we be zoche to the Torah of the Menorah
Believe it or not, we can come close to Hashem through the joy of Purim!