Home » Archives for oorah » Page 7
Length: 3:56
Our Avodas Hashem should sparkle like gold
Length: 3:37
Consider it as if you did it on your own
Length: 3:09
Every Yid has his input in Torah
Length: 28:06
Why the thunder and lightning at Har Sinai?
Length: 3:25
The importance of אמונת חכמים
Length: 6:01
Even the Egyptians respected Moshe because he was humble
Length: 28:04
Part 4: If not now, when then?
Length: 4:03
Elevate yourself to the next level
Length: 7:50
Live together with Jews and connect to gedolim
Length: 7:30
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Studying Torah will perfect your middos
Length: 26:46
Hashem keeps sending us messages, are we picking up on them? Part I
Length: 7:44
Subjugate yourself to Hashem like the brothers did to Yosef
Length: 28:13
Ghetto, you weren’t so bad after all
Length: 4:21
Spreading Shem Shomayim to the world
Length: 5:30
Chessed under difficult circumstances
Length: 28:43
Jealousy: nagging and worthless
Length: 4:59
There’s nothing sweeter than victory over the yetzer hara
Length: 30:14
Your friends can make you or break you
Length: 3:46
Wake up now, not in the next world!
Length: 26:45
Do we have the power to bring Hashem down to this world?
Length: 3:05
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Do you look like a child of the Avos?
Length: 31:21
Dying is just the beginning II
Length: 4:45
Look beautiful in the eyes of Hashem
Length: 27:31
Dying is just the beginning
Length: 5:17
Kiruv rechokim is limud haTorah
Length: 27:49
“You shall go in G-d’s ways” – is that really possible?
Length: 5:45
If Hashem brings it it’s for your benefit
Length: 26:38
Where are YOU headed in life?
Length: 7:03
Base your happiness on the right foundation
Length: 3:16