Get rid of your bad middos together with the chometz
Showing posts from Category: Moadim
show all postsWhy no תחנון?
Are you really a free man?
Believe it or not, we can come close to Hashem through the joy of Purim!
Spreading Shem Shomayim to the world
Is the Satan really that stupid?
After Yom Kippur is the best time to learn Torah
Yom Kippur – the greatest joy in the world!
HAMELECH! What it means to us
Check our actions and our goals
What is real life
Shabbos is like the Bais Hamikdash
Understanding the Holocaust Part II
Understanding נפש החיים שער ד
Do your part in the שלימות of Klal Yisroel
Think about the geulah during the month of Nissan
Putting the moed into the chol
Korban Pesach lessons
The roasted korban Pesach symbolizes achdus
At the Seder be like the Kohen Gadol
The “מקוה” before lighting the menorah
After Yom Kippur we’re closer to shamayim, so let’s keep it up
Let’s work on mitzvos that are neglected by many
Give a krechtz and do a sincere viduy
Make your new year sweet by dipping your heart into honey