Length: 4:33
Video from: Pesach


The difference between chametz and matzah – every bit counts

Length: 28:00
Video from: Purim תשפא

Purim תשפא

Connect to each other and we will connect to Hashem

Length: 6:11
Video from: Purim תשפא

Purim תשפא

Celebrating Purim in challenging times

Length: 2:49
Video from: Chanukah


Appreciating the great נס of the defeat of the יונים

Length: 2:18
Video from: Chanukah


Hashem will be recognized through the natural and supernatural

Length: 3:33
Video from: Sukkos תשפא

Sukkos תשפא

Remember when you are in the sukkah that we belong in the Bais Hamikdash

Length: 7:20
Video from: Sukkos


Yosef is the backbone of Klal Yisroel to be עומד בנסיון

Length: 26:36
Video from: Selichos תשפ

Selichos תשפ

עצרת תפילה לזכות רפו”ש לרפאל שמעון יהודה ליב בן פערל חיה

Length: 3:47
Audio from: Parshas Re’eh

Parshas Re’eh

Learn from the מסית the zechus of helping others

Length: 7:32
Video from: Tu B’av

Tu B’av

The reasons to have simcha on Tu B’av