When you hear the shofar accept upon yourself mesiras nefesh
Showing posts from Category: Moadim
show all postsBe kind to others and Hashem will be kind to you
Ask the Rabbi
If we want the shofar to pierce the Heavens first it must pierce our hearts
עצרת תפילה לזכות רפו”ש לרפאל שמעון יהודה ליב בן פערל חיה
Judge yourself daily and you can look forward to Elul
A great זכות ליום הדין – helping others
Learn from the מסית the zechus of helping others
The reasons to have simcha on Tu B’av
If we would realize how much we’re missing we would truly mourn on Tisha B’av
Dance over the opportunity to mourn the churban
Different things we can do to bring ושכנתי בתוכם
Pay attention to your acts of aveilus
The progression from the קרבן עומר to the שתי הלחם – do mundane activities on […]
Look for new ways to serve Hashem
The four main yesodos of the Seder
A message about the difficult matzav we find ourselves in
ארבע כוסות-Bringing shefa beracha of geulah to Klal Yisroel and punishment to the goyim
Pesach and milah are doche Shabbos
Why is bein hazemanim at this time of year?
Feeling the true simcha of Adar – Hashem doesn’t forsake us
Torah is not complete without achdus-a post Purim message
Only with achdus can there be connection to Hashem and Torah
Have simcha because Hashem is watching us like a mother watches her child
ונהפוך הוא-The greatest Purim is when we conquer our yetzer hara
Total התבטלות is hakdama to קבלת התורה ברצון
The power of sharfe mussar
Mordechai did what was right even if he didn’t win any popularity contests
The מזבח הקטורת brought the Shechina to the Mishkan by way of achdus