Din brings shleimus and makes a person worthy of Olam Haba
Showing posts from Category: Moadim
show all postsDoing basic teshuvah is not so hard
Teshuva turns the middas hadin of the teruah into chiba
The happiness of Hashem on Rosh Hashana-Klal Yisroel can be zoche to Olam Haba video
Preparing ourselves to be מקבל מלכיות on Rosh Hashana
Taking advantage of the ימי רצון of Elul-come closer to Hashem by improving your Torah […]
Be מבטל yourself to Hashem and you will come close to Him
Bringing people close to each other brings Hashem closer to us
We must do לפנים משורת הדין
How to feel what we’re missing
When Hashem is far away the aveira is not as bad
The connection between Tisha B’av and gid hanashe
Think about when you felt strongly connected to Hashem and you will long for the […]
Hashem expects shleimus from every one of us
If Hashem cries over the churban it must be quite terrible
Are you growing from the three weeks? Be mechazek in chashivus haTorah and ahavas chaverim
Let’s get closer to Hashem
Advancing in the quality of our Torah and avodah as time goes on
A summary of נפש החיים שער ד
Utilizing the days of Sefira to their fullest
Make sure to live up to the shevua we made at Har Sinai
Hachana for Kabbalas Hatorah – the 48 kinyanim
Lesson from Megillas Rus – Don’t run away from opportunities to do tzedaka and chessed
Making new kabbolos on Shavuos
We must feel that we are the עם סגולה and pass it on to our […]
Understanding the seven sefiros
זה קלי ואנוהו
Mishchu from the avodah zaros of the galus
The kittel by the Seder is like the kesones of the Kohen Gadol on Yom […]
Kavanah in Birchas Shehecheyanu at the Seder