Length: 43:15
Video from: Shavuos תשעט

Shavuos תשעט

Advancing in the quality of our Torah and avodah as time goes on

Length: 5:54
Audio from: Shavuos תשע

Shavuos תשע

Lesson from Megillas Rus – Don’t run away from opportunities to do tzedaka and chessed

Length: 36:19
Audio from: Shavuos תשסה

Shavuos תשסה

We must feel that we are the עם סגולה and pass it on to our […]

Length: 40:45
Video from: Pesach תשעט

Pesach תשעט

Preparing for Pesach with תיקון המדות and ביטול הגשמיות

Length: 33:00
Audio from: Pesach תשעט

Pesach תשעט

Preparing for Pesach with תיקון המדות and ביטול הגשמיות