Length: 30:42
Video from: Purim תשפד

Purim תשפד

Hashem also wears a costume – all year round

Length: 28:00
Video from: Purim תשפא

Purim תשפא

Connect to each other and we will connect to Hashem

Length: 6:11
Video from: Purim תשפא

Purim תשפא

Celebrating Purim in challenging times

Length: 4:53
Audio from: Adar תשעא

Adar תשעא

Feeling the true simcha of Adar – Hashem doesn’t forsake us

Length: 19:25
Audio from: Pre-Purim


Total התבטלות is hakdama to קבלת התורה ברצון

Length: 9:17
Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

The power of sharfe mussar

Length: 5:08
Video from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Mordechai did what was right even if he didn’t win any popularity contests

Length: 3:04
Video from: Purim תשפ

Purim תשפ

The three corners of the hamantash represent the three regalim

Length: 4:22
Video from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

מחצית השקל down here-only half the story

Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Chashivus of one night – the whole tzara of Haman came from one night

Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Purim in the zechus of the anavah of Moshe – חיזוק בענין השתחויה ונפילת אפים

Audio from: Seudas Purim

Seudas Purim

Forget your kpeidos and be miskarev to Hashem (Yiddish)