Wipe out Amalek through strengthening your connection to Hashem
Showing posts from Category: Purim
show all postsHashem also wears a costume – all year round
In Yerushalayim
Believe it or not, we can come close to Hashem through the joy of Purim!
The connection between Purim and the parsha
Connect to each other and we will connect to Hashem
Celebrating Purim in challenging times
Feeling the true simcha of Adar – Hashem doesn’t forsake us
Torah is not complete without achdus-a post Purim message
Only with achdus can there be connection to Hashem and Torah
Have simcha because Hashem is watching us like a mother watches her child
ונהפוך הוא-The greatest Purim is when we conquer our yetzer hara
Total התבטלות is hakdama to קבלת התורה ברצון
The power of sharfe mussar
Mordechai did what was right even if he didn’t win any popularity contests
The מזבח הקטורת brought the Shechina to the Mishkan by way of achdus
The three corners of the hamantash represent the three regalim
The joy of Purim – the joy of all the Yomim Tovim is unconditional
מחצית השקל down here-only half the story
Make reminders of Hashem wherever you are
Living with Hashem in our midst – everything is nes and not teva
אש תמיד תוקד – holding onto the fire of Purim
מסמיך גאולה לגאולה כדי להתקרב אל הקב”ה
Chashivus of one night – the whole tzara of Haman came from one night
Purim in the zechus of the anavah of Moshe – חיזוק בענין השתחויה ונפילת אפים
Listen to the chachamim no matter what
Braided challos on Shabbos represent zachor and shamor
Tomorrow is not good enough for me
Keep on davening