Strive for the best and it will count
Showing posts from Category: Parsha
show all postsKeep your ears holy so they can hear divrei Torah
The unsung heroes of the body
Love your talmid and he will connect with you
Do mitzvos properly and your neshama will shine forth
Do it with emotion
Serve Hashem with simcha-He’s watching over you
Shabbos is a day of great kedusha so don’t sleep it away
Abusing the ketores is like abusing the king’s crown
Mussar may seem bitter but it’s really sweet
Allow the חלבנה into the classroom and he will smell good
Feel bad if you do an aveirah and be happy when you do a mitzvah
Torah is not complete without achdus-a post Purim message
Recognize your talents and abilities and use them to serve Hashem
The מזבח הקטורת brought the Shechina to the Mishkan by way of achdus
Good middos are like the beautiful bigdei kehuna
Follow the seven middos of Hashem and Torah will enter you
Use your unique kochos to the fullest and Klal Yisroel can come to its shleimus
If your middos are pure your Torah can be complete
The three basics of השראת השכינה
Be the chariot of Hashem by making yourself into a source of kedusha
Think like a kohen when you get dressed
Let’s be like the Kohen Gadol and have our hearts constantly on the needs of […]
The Torah takes care of rebbeim and bnei Torah
The badim teach us that we don’t have to understand everything in the Torah
Explain the chashivus and they’ll do it with all their heart
Hashem is with the lomdei Torah
Look at your chavrusa and Hashem will look at you
Take the Torah with you wherever you go
Hashem and Klal Yisroel are like chassan and kallah