Torah as our guide through hard times
Showing posts from Category: Parsha
show all postsThink twice before you throw out that pillow!
Don’t be an אפיקורס! Recognize the chashivus of yeshivos and Lomdei Torah
The lesson from Yaakov Avinu-honesty and ehrlichkeit in business and all money matters
Try your best and Hashem will give you kochos beyond your abilities
Show your love and your mussar will be successful
Combating the yetzer hara of money
Walk away from machlokes even when doing דברים שבקדושה
The best segula in the world-davening properly
Make sure to be a יושב אוהלים and not an איש שדה
Yitzchok Avinu was מתאבל on the Churban Beis Hamikdash so we certainly must
Keep far away from those who mock others
We have an uphill battle against the powers of evil, but we will be victorious
The berachos made Yaakov in charge of the world
Being mevatel Torah or other mitzvos is doing like Esav
Learn to combat the ליצנים of every generation
Those around Yitzchak protected him so he could remain an עולה תמימה and solidify the […]
One word of bittul can destroy someone’s image
Don’t be like Esav-be remorseful over blown opportunities
The ליצני הדור of every generation-those who mock and belittle important people and things
Why בארות play such a significant role in the Torah
Are you giving up everything for a pot of beans?
The sterling middos of Rivka in contrast to Efron
“Good money” – pure from gezel
Look white and beautiful in the eyes of our Father in heaven
Emulate the Avos and Imahos and you will invoke their zechus
Be excited about the mitzvos that come through tza’ar
Do chessed like Avraham, be moser nefesh like Yitzchok, and learn Torah and be honest […]
Understand what the person really means
Sell your property to a tzadik so the world can become a holier place