Avraham shows us how to handle hard times
Showing posts from Category: Parsha
show all postsPurifying the world’s pollution through the mabul
Ashur’s lesson-bad influences creep in even if you are against them
Noach the zookeeper-a tikkun for חמס
A mabul-out with the old world, in with the new
Figure out what Hashem wants from you even if He didn’t say so בפירוש
Every time and every season has its own flavor of avodas Hashem
Serve Hashem in your matzav and you will be producing
Shalom is a magnet for shefa bracha to the whole world
Start with a few people and after time there will be thousands
Be the best you can be and not just the best relatively
Do it purely for the sake of Hashem, especially if it’s against your nature
How was your Yom Tov? Share your hisorerus with others
Separate the dark from the light-don’t be influenced by evil
The light of the sun and the moon teaches us to fill our lives with […]
Look at the sky and you will make peace
Everyone has potential – make sure it gets used
Practice what you preach
Make room for others and you will get along
Thank Hashem for the greatness of the Torah
Shabbos following Yom Kippur-מחיל אל חיל
Gemara is for everyone-it brings life!
Bring people up in their ruchniyus and you will be making a kiddush Hashem
We should be recognizable as the children of Hashem
Make sure the hisorerus of the Yamim Noraim lasts
Three requirements to learning Torah learned from Hakhel
Great people comfort those who are comforting them
The mitzvah of calming someone’s nerves
Don’t be afraid to lead-Hashem will be with you
Develop a feeling of disgust for avoda zara