Simulating the מחצית השקל in our times
Showing posts from Category: Parsha
show all postsOnly with the Ketores can we be zoche to the Torah of the Menorah
Our Avodas Hashem should sparkle like gold
Consider it as if you did it on your own
Every Yid has his input in Torah
Why the thunder and lightning at Har Sinai?
The importance of אמונת חכמים
Even the Egyptians respected Moshe because he was humble
Elevate yourself to the next level
Live together with Jews and connect to gedolim
Studying Torah will perfect your middos
Subjugate yourself to Hashem like the brothers did to Yosef
Ghetto, you weren’t so bad after all
Spreading Shem Shomayim to the world
Chessed under difficult circumstances
Jealousy: nagging and worthless
There’s nothing sweeter than victory over the yetzer hara
Your friends can make you or break you
Wake up now, not in the next world!
Do we have the power to bring Hashem down to this world?
Do you look like a child of the Avos?
Dying is just the beginning II
Look beautiful in the eyes of Hashem
Dying is just the beginning
Kiruv rechokim is limud haTorah
“You shall go in G-d’s ways” – is that really possible?
If Hashem brings it it’s for your benefit
Where are YOU headed in life?
Base your happiness on the right foundation
Finish what you start