One who curses is a murderer!
Showing posts from Category: Sefer Vayikra
show all postsIt’s halfway to next Yom Kippur – think about it now!
Different types of tzara’as for different types of lashon hara
Aharon Hakohen was strong when needed
The consistency of the Korban Tamid – start and end your day right
Karbanos – be mevatel your כוחי ועוצם ידי
Keep your ears holy so they can hear divrei Torah
The unsung heroes of the body
Love your talmid and he will connect with you
Ameilus means subjecting your body and mind to Hashem
Amal Hatorah is the only medicine
Serve Hashem with the tools that He gave you
The chok of learning Torah-getting sechar for the toil
Only through ameilus baTorah can one be protected from the Yetzer Hara
Eruchin-the more developed the person the more he must be oved Hashem
Perseverance in avodas Hashem
Torah must be learned without any distractions like in a midbar
Submit yourself completely to Hashem through learning Torah
We are Hashem’s guests so let’s take advantage
Shabbos and Shemita-a time to think about our purpose in this world
Bringing the world to its true tachlis
The shemitah lesson-don’t overdue your hishtadlus in parnassa
Preparing for Shavuos like for Yovel-midah of netzach is tikkun hamidos
Lessons on kabbalas hatorah from Har Sinai
Rescuing Yidden from bad hashpaos
Keep Shabbos and Shemitah leshem Hashem and revive yourself spiritually
Do physical acts in a ruchniyus way
Think pure thoughts and submit yourself to Hashem at a time of kiddush Hashem
Our actions reflect upon Hashem
Be close to all Yidden-we are all kerovim