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Showing posts from Tag: ענוה
show all postsNetzach – Conquer your enemies from within and Hashem will conquer your enemies from without
Look at the trees and grass and feel humbled
What is really motivating you?
Look at a worm or a piece of grass and you will feel lowly
Admit your mistakes and you will be trusted
Moshe had no “zich” whatsoever
4 important lessons from the ארון
Yosef spread awareness of Hashem throughout the civilized world
How would you like to be a navi?
The many benefits of עמילות בתורה
Terumas Hadeshen puts the kohen in his place
Even a king must be מכניע himself, certainly you!
The sterling middos of Rivka in contrast to Efron
Lessons on kabbalas hatorah from Har Sinai