Think about the theme – not just the mitzvah
Showing posts from Tag: שלימות
show all postsDon’t overlook the seemingly small things
Netzach – Conquer your enemies from within and Hashem will conquer your enemies from without
Only with the Ketores can we be zoche to the Torah of the Menorah
Do your part in the שלימות of Klal Yisroel
What is Yom Kippur doing in the beginning of spring time? Part 2
The roasted korban Pesach symbolizes achdus
Conflict – avoid it all cost!
The difference between chametz and matzah – every bit counts
The connection between Purim and the parsha
Connect to each other and we will connect to Hashem
Celebrating Purim in challenging times
Every member of every household makes a difference
Learn a lot of Torah and have a lot of achdus and you will achieve […]
Feel the hiskarvus to Hashem when standing at the Kosel
The more Hashem demands from us the more we are connected
The great unifier-the Beis Hamikdash even today
Suggestions on how to be machshiv all mitzvos