On Yom Kippur feel like a slave who was freed in Yovel
Showing posts from Tag: דביקות
show all postsHow much does Hashem love the Jewish people? Part II
Know that everything is from Hashem and He will be close
Why no תחנון?
What is real life
Do your part in the שלימות of Klal Yisroel
Beware of associating with the wicked Part II
It happened almost 2000 years ago. Why are we still mourning?
Believe it or not, clinging to Hashem is the biggest enjoyment!
Use every second to serve Hashem by doing everything לשם שמים
If we would realize how much we’re missing we would truly mourn on Tisha B’av
Being an עניו makes you great, not small
Learn and daven without היסח הדעת and you will maximize the shefa beracha you bring […]
The more Hashem demands from us the more we are connected