Even someone as bad as Amalek can repent
Showing posts from Tag: תשובה
show all postsHashem, we tried so hard over the Yomim Noraim to be good, what went wrong?
Do teshuva before receiving a bracha
What is Yom Kippur doing in the beginning of spring time? Part 2
G-d’s great gift to us: the power of speech, let’s not abuse it
Don’t try to make deals with Hashem
The three types of Jews in galus
Why is tzora’as white? Because it’s good for a person!
Do you think one word is no big deal? You’d be surprised!
Why would we fast on Shabbos?
Teshuva is within reach
If Hashem commands then you have the strength and ability to do
Be mechazek in Limud Hatorah in light of recent tragedies