Don’t be afraid that Rosh Hashanah is on Shabbos
Showing posts from Tag: מסירות נפש
show all postsYou’ll be surprised what we can learn from korbanos
Do you look like a child of the Avos?
Yom Kippur – the greatest joy in the world!
Korban Pesach lessons
Think of how to emulate the Avos
We say Shema Yisroel twice a day, what does it mean? Part 2
The simchah of coming close to Hashem through learning Torah
This Chanuka accept to do something extra for Hashem
Continuing the spirituality of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur
When you hear the shofar accept upon yourself mesiras nefesh
If we want the shofar to pierce the Heavens first it must pierce our hearts
Feel the hiskarvus to Hashem when standing at the Kosel
Be mekabel mesiras nefesh on Chanuka and you can bring nissim to the world
Be moser nefesh for Torah and avoda in a matzav of affluence
Accept upon yourself mesiras nefesh of some sort at hadlakas neiros and you will bring […]
You can make a kiddush Hashem by acting in ways that people will emulate
Did you open the door for Hashem this Chanuka?
Think about the גיד הנשה and what it represents
The name Yerushalayim is a composition of בהר ה’ יראה and שלם
Avraham shows us how to handle hard times
Follow in the footsteps of our ancestors
Mordechai saved the Jews from the full brunt of Hashem’s wrath